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The flu vaccination will be available from the 2nd of April 2024.
Annual influenza vaccination is recommended for everyone 6 months of age and older, to provide direct protection against severe illness and to reduce the spread of the virus. Immunisation is the best way to protect yourself and your community from infection and serious illness.
Some people are at increased risk of complications if they develop the flu, and influenza vaccination is funded for these people. The eligibility criteria for a funded vaccine have changed from last year, and now include:
· Pregnant people
· People aged 65 years and over
· Children 4 years of age and under who have been hospitalised for respiratory illness or have a history of significant respiratory illness
· People aged 6 months to under 65 years with serious mental health and addiction conditions*
· People aged 6 months to under 65 years with eligible conditions*
*For full eligibility information, follow this link.
For detailed information about the flu vaccination you can review the Ministry of Health website.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Who can have the flu vaccine?
The flu vaccination can be given to individuals over 6 months of age. Children under 9 years of age who are receiving the flu vaccination for the first time will need two doses, given 4 weeks apart. Thereafter, and for all others, a single flu vaccination each year is recommended.
Can I have the flu vaccination if I am pregnant?
Yes - the flu vaccination is recommended for pregnant women at any stage of their pregnancy. Influenza vaccination provides direct protection from the complications of influenza both during pregnancy and following birth and will also result in some protection to the newborn in the first few months of life, through transfer of immunity via the placenta and breast milk.
Do I need to get the vaccination every year?
Yes - annual influenza vaccination is recommended because protection from previous vaccination lessens over time, and because the circulating influenza viruses can change from year to year. The vaccine content is generally altered each year to reflect this change. The 2024 flu vaccine is different to the flu vaccine given in 2023.
Can I have the flu vaccine if I am allergic to eggs?
Yes. The flu vaccine can be administered to people with a history of egg allergy including egg anaphylaxis. While the flu vaccine contains a tiny amount of egg (ovalbumin), studies show this amount is less than the amount required to trigger allergy or anaphylaxis in sensitised individuals.
What is in the flu vaccine?
Flu vaccine contains small harmless parts (subunits) of inactivated flu viruses. The flu vaccine cannot give you the flu.
There are three types of flu vaccine available at Mt Eden Village Doctors this year:
The main difference between INFLUVAC TETRA and FLUCELVAX QUAD is in their method of manufacture and the different viral strains covered. Both vaccines are recommended by the World Health Organisation for the Southern Hemisphere in 2024. There are no randomised trials comparing the efficacy of egg-based and cell-based vaccines, but a number of other types of trials have been performed. Some studies have shown that cell-based vaccines, such as FLUCELVAX, have been more effective at preventing illness or inducing an immune response in comparison to standard egg-based vaccines during certain seasons.
FLUADQUAD is an egg-based vaccine that also contains an adjuvant (used in vaccines since 1997) that is used to stimulate a stronger immune response in older people. The use of this vaccine results in less primary care care consultations and respiratory related hospitalisations. Compared to standard flu vaccines, adjuvant vaccines prevent twice as many influenza illnesses over 3 seasons in >65 year olds.
Can I have the flu vaccine alongside other vaccines?
Yes - the influenza vaccine can be given at the same time as the Shingrix or COVID-19 (Comirnaty or Nuvaxovid) vaccines.
How long do I have to wait after having the flu vaccine?
Most patients will need to remain at the clinic for 20 minutes after their flu vaccination. The post vaccination observation period may be reduced to 5 minutes in patients who meet all of the following criteria:
* Aged 13 years and older
* No history of previous severe allergic reactions
* Have had the influenza vaccination only
* Will have another adult with them for the first 20 minutes, and will not drive, scoot, ride a bike or operate machinery.
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