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What is Meningococcal disease?
Meningococcal disease is caused by the bacterium Neisseira meningitidis and there are at least 12 groups of meningococcal bacteria, including groups A,B,C,X,Y and W. In New Zealand between 2014 and 2017, two thirds of meningococcal cases were caused by group B, almost one third by group C and few remaining cases by Y or W. Meningococcal bacteria are commonly carried in the nose and throat and usually do not cause disease, but invasion sometimes occurs in some individuals and the underlying cause is not well understood. It is thought to be transferred from person to person through contact with saliva. Initial symptoms can be a flu like illness, but symptoms usually progress quickly, often within 24 hours, to a severe illness including fever, malaise, dislike of bright light, neck stiffness, rash or spots. Some patients will present with atypical symptoms.
What is Meningococcal B vaccine?
Bexsero (Meningococcal B) vaccine has been incorporated into the National Childhood Immunisation programme since 1st of March 2023, and is funded to for young children and a small group of teenage to young adults.
Below are the funding criteria for Bexsero (Meningococcal B vaccine):
-For children on time with the National schedule: Addition of Bexsero vaccine is at 3, 5 and 12 months schedule.Bexsero is associated with risk of high fever (NOT febrile seizures) in children aged under 2 years old. Thus, children aged below 2 years old are advised to have paracetamol prophylactically 30 minutes prior to Bexsero vaccination or at the time of the vaccination appointment. Following vaccination, they will require further 2 doses, 4 to 6 hours apart. If the child is sleeping when the 2nd or 3rd dose is due it is not necessary to wake them up.
What is Meningococcal A,C,Y,W vaccine?
Meningococcal A, C,Y, W groups are responsible for approximately one third of meningococcal cases. The vaccination to protect against disease related to these groups are currently unfunded for young children, but are available for purchase as unfunded vaccines. This vaccine is only funded for teenagers and young adults aged 13 to 25 years old in specified close living situations i.e. boarding school, uni dorms - the catchup schedule is available until 28th of Feb 2024. For unfunded options there are two brands available:
Unfunded vaccines will require a discussion with the nurse and pre-payment. Once payment has been confirmed, the vaccines are ordered. Sometimes the vaccines may be out of stock from the National supplier, so may take sometime depending on availability. If interested please email nurse@mtedenvillagedoctors.co.nz to discuss.
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