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Changes to Immunisations for 5 month, 12 month and 15 month old children.
The following changes to the National Immunisation Schedule has been effective from 1st of July, 2020:
· PCV10 (Synflorix) will not be required to be given at 3-month Immunisation event. PCV10 will remain to be given at 6 weeks and 5month Immunisation event. A booster dose remains unchanged at 15 months of age.
· Varivax will replace Varilrix at the 15-month and 11- year event, and for special groups from 12 months of age.
For more information, you could read further on www.immune.org.nz.
In Addition to the changes to the National Immunisation schedule in July, 2020, changes to 15 month old immunizations have been implemented since October, 2020.
At 12 months old, children will be receiving a dose of MMR (measles mumps rubella) and Synflorix (pneumococcal) vaccine.
At 15 months old, children will be receiving a dose of Varivax (chickenpox vaccine), MMR, and Hiberix (influenzae.b).
Please contact the nurse on 09 6306981 or email nurse@mtedenvillagedoctors.co.nz for any queries.
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