
Longer Appointments

If you think you need more than a 15 minute appointment, please book a longer appointment or plan to return for a second appointment (these will incur an extra fee). Longer appointments may be required for multiple problems, minor surgery or medicals (e.g. insurance medicals require a double appointment). Please discuss your needs with the nurse.

Safeguarding Children

Mt Eden Village Doctors is committed to promoting and protecting the wellbeing of all children. Our Child Protection Policy outlines the steps we take to safeguard and protect children, including police vetting, pre-employment screening and regular training for our staff, as well as procedures around recognising, reporting and recording potential neglect and abuse.

The safety and wellbeing of the children of New Zealand is paramount, and we would act on any concerns that arise, in according with the provisions of the Oranga Tamariki Act 1989 and the Family Violence Act 2018. 

If you are a child or young person - you matter. You can chat to us about any worries you have. Here is some information for you as a young person to review


Urgent Appointments

If you are very unwell and require an urgent appointment, please alert the receptionist, and ask to speak with the nurse who will make arrangements. We reserve a number of same day appointments for patients who become unwell on the day.


Pregnancy consultations are free during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks and 6 days). If you are pregnant but require an appointment for an issue which is not pregnancy related a standard consultation fee will apply. 


Please call us if you cannot attend your appointment. Giving us at least two hours notice will allow us to reuse your appointment time. Cancellation with less than two hours notice may incur a cancellation fee. 

Waiting Times

We make every effort to run on time, but on occasions unexpected emergencies or complex consultations running over time will cause delays. We thank you for your patience and understanding. Please check in with a receptionist on arrival.



Health Information Privacy

We understand the importance of health information privacy and we are committed to safeguarding your personal and medical data. Our team undergoes training in health information privacy, and we have processes in place to safeguard the information we obtain. The health information we collect from you may be shared with others involved in your healthcare and we want you to be well-informed about what this involves. This link provides further explanation as to what information is collected by our Primary Healthcare Organisation, and what it is used for. Please reach out to us if you have any concerns about the privacy of your personal health information.  




All patients are entitled to have a chaperone or support person with them for any appointment. The chaperone can be a family member, friend or a member of staff. If you want a member of staff to accompany you during the visit please let the receptionist know when you book for your appointment.

House Calls

House calls may be available if necessary during the working day. Sometimes care for urgent problems can be given more effectively at the medical centre. We will discuss the best plan with you. For after hours, please ring the practice number to be directed to the after hours service.



Your Health Summary

If for any reason you require healthcare and are unable to visit our clinic, your health information is available 24 hours a day to authorised, vetted health professionals across Auckland. Doctors, nurses and paramedics involved in your care can access this information via a secure portal called Your Health Summary. The types of health information that can be shared include: medical conditions, medications, allergies, radiology + laboratory test results, immunisations, scheduled recalls and discharge summaries. You can choose to 'opt off' if you don't wish to have your information shared, however opting off may mean that important health information is not available to other clinicians caring for you. To opt off please email your name, date of birth and contact details to Further information about Your Health Summary can be found here

Test Results

All effort is made to contact you with any results that we consider will affect your health care and to arrange follow-up and action if needed.  We would encourage you to register for our patient portal, Manage My Health, so that you remain informed about your results. You are also welcome to phone or email our nurse to request your results if you haven't heard from us. 

Patient Feedback

We welcome feedback at any time on the service you have received. Feedback provides a valuable source of information to allow us to alter or strengthen the service and care we provide to best meet your needs. Multiple methods are available for providing feedback. You can discuss concerns, compliments or suggestions with any of our staff team, or you can document feedback via email to our clinic or in writing in our Comments box in reception. We also participate in the national Patient Experience Survey four times per year. All patients (over 15 years of age) who have an appointment during national survey week will be invited to provide feedback on the service received. We value this feedback and review it as a staff team, using the information provided to improve our services. 

If you have comments or concerns, please let us as soon as possible so that we can work with you to put it right.